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Анонс: Bodilifting - is not a fantasy, but a reality

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Bodilifting - is not a fantasy, but a reality

    Med-Info 11.07.2015 - 19:14

Usually a person is drawn to the plastiikkakirurgia with a request to remove a particular cosmetic defect, correct the shape of any part of the body, tighten the skin of the face or abdomen. What to do if you want to perform a facelift of the entire body?

It is impossible, you say, and be wrong. There is a procedure known as bodilifting to allow a circular lifting of the body including arms, abdomen, back, thighs and buttocks. Bodilifting is often shown after liposuction in removing a large amount of fatty tissue. In this case, the skin at the surgical site will droop, negating the aesthetic effect of rasvaimu. Bodilifting is used to eliminate the external manifestations of aging.

An important condition for ensuring the success of the circular body lift - a stable weight of the candidate for this procedure in the past six months. It should be understood that in the subsequent appearance of the excess weight results of the operation are unpredictable. Women, planning to have children in the future, shouldn’t use bodilifting.

The operation must be provided only in a hospital under the general anesthesia. Duration of the tightening body can be from 4 to 7 hours. Bodilifting usually starts from the abdomen with a subsequent transition to the hips, hands, chest and buttocks. These procedures can be performed both together and separate independent operations. Every woman can make a vatsan muotoilu if she is not satisfied with the volume of the abdomen.

The plastic of arms (brachioplasty) is performed to remove the excess of the skin and fat tissues in these areas due to the loss of the skin tone. Cuts during bodilifting are put in the upper arm - from the armpit to the elbow area. Next liposuction is held - sucking out an excess fat with the subsequent tightening of the skin of the shoulder.

Bodilifting is held on the inner thigh (cuts along the fold, and sometimes over its entire inner surface, the removal of the excess fat and stretching skin, tightening tissues), buttocks ( transects should be conducted in the gluteal fold or at the upper end of the gluteal part).

The recovery period after making a bodilifting and similar plastic surgery can last from 4 to 6 weeks and during this time it is necessary to accurately follow all the medical advice (wearing a compression underwear, getting rid of the physical activity).

Only genuine professionals work in our clinic who are able to help change the appearance and the internal state of a client.

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